November 14, 2016 For
member information
During tabulation of the recent bargaining survey,
we noticed there are requests for special wage adjustment to a specific
classification / position. This is what we called a special case. In order for a special case to be taken forward to
the bargaining table by your bargaining team, those advocating this adjustment
need to present the rationale at the General Membership Meeting for Demand
Setting (November 23, 2016) and approved by the membership. The requesting
person(s) should provide the bargaining team the information any research –
including internal and external comparators – to support that request.
November 14, 2016 For
member information
During tabulation of the recent bargaining survey,
we noticed there are requests for special wage adjustment to a specific
classification / position. This is what we call a special case. In order for a special case to be taken forward to
the bargaining table by your bargaining team, those advocating this adjustment
need to present the rationale at the General Membership Meeting for Demand
Setting (November 23, 2016) and approved by the membership. The requesting
person(s) should provide the bargaining team the information any research –
including internal and external comparators – to support that request.