February 5,2014 It
is with sadness but understanding that we accept Kim Rushnell's resignation from
the Local Executive. Kim has been a dedicated steward, safety rep, secretary and
all around leader in the past several years advocating for our members rights
and safety in the workplace. Her perseverance, strength and experience has been
a proven asset to this local. We cannot thank her enough for her contributions.
We wish Kim all the very best. Gabriela can be reached at gabriela@opseu331.org
April 2, 2013 At the General membership meeting tonight Mary Bloomfield was elected as Chief Steward to replace outgoing Chief Yvonne Lewis. Congratulations Mary! Mary is a long-time steward and will bring experience, committment and passion to her new role. Mary can be reached at mary@opseu331.org. February 27, 2013 YVONNE LEWIS HAS RETIRED! The time has come to wish
Yvonne Lewis a fond farewell as she has now retired from our workplace.
Having worked as an RPN for over 30 years, she has also been actively
involved in OPSEU throughout her career wearing a number of hats including Unit
Steward, 'cheerleader', Vice President, 'rabble rouser', 'The General' and Chief
Steward, and Local President. Yvonne
has been a warrior, a fierce and
staunch activist, and a relentless advocate for staff rights and Health
& Safety in our workplace. Standing up for fairness for all whether a
patient, staff, or member of the public, Yvonne’s actions during her brief
tenure as President resulted in important Local victories including the
reinstatement of a terminated staff--an achievement unheard of at our Local, advocated
for improved workplace conditions to include better safety measures, developed
pro-active strategies to support inclusive workplaces for the returning
worker, and battled both management
and WSIB to recognize occupational illness and solve the ongoing safety
issues that our worksite experiences every day. Her tenacity to advocate
for the health and safety of staff has now resulted in one of the largest
ongoing investigations of workplace violence at this facility by the Ministry of
Labour. Yvonne performed
all these duties and more, tirelessly, and at all hours of the day frequently
taking late night phone calls from distressed and assaulted workers, and writing
up countless grievances, wsib appeals, and papers during early morning
hours to prepare Union foundations to defend positions against
management opposition. It was also a far too frequent occurrence for
Yvonne to attend to Union issues on her days off, even going so far as to
personally support and escort injured workers in their attempts to reintegrate
into public spaces. Yvonne lives by the motto
that no one should have to risk personal safety in order to make a living, (and
god help the person or organization that dares to breach this). It has
been our extraordinary pleasure and good fortune to work side by side with her
and we will miss her terribly but have her assurance that she is only ‘a phone
call away’. Thank
you Yvonne from all of us on the Executive and from the membership of Local 331. February 1, 2013 The April 1st 2013 OPSEU salary increase will be reflected on the April 25, 2013 employee pay (due to pay being two weeks in arrears). There is no retro payment this year because April 1st falls on a Monday and beginning of a pay period. HR and Payroll will both be posting notices on our HR Intranet sites, in order to advise employees accordingly. Should you have any questions, please call our office. January 7, 2013 OPSEU mini calendars are available at our office for anyone who missed receiving one on the Units. And a reminder that our General Membership meeting is on Tuesday January 15 at 6:00 p.m. at Oshawa Regional Office. Nominations for both the annual OPSEU Convention and BPS Convention will be done at this time. December 21, 2012 Wishing all of our members a very Merry Christmas. We feel very lucky to be associated with so many fine people. Enjoy the holidays and stay safe. And to all a very Happy New Year's! December 1, 2012 Patti Lang is now officially in the President's Chair. A huge thank you to Yvonne Lewis who ran the ship for the past two years and did so with the utmost class and dignity. Yvonne now takes on the role of Chief Steward. As always the Executive can be reached at #6351, Patti at #6478. Durham Region Labour Council Awards: November 15, 2012 It gives us great pleasure to announce that two Local 331 members have again won Labour Council Awards. Like our own Patti Lang last year, President Yvonne Lewis has won the 2012 Worker's Health and Safety Centre Activist Award for her tireless advocacy on behalf of our staff. In addition, RN Norma Gunn has won the OFL (Ontario Federation of Labour) 2012 Occupational Disability Advocacy Recognition Award for sharing her struggle with PTSD. These
awards were presented at the Durham
Region Labour Council awards dinner on November 15, 2012. Deserving awards for two extraordinary worker advocates! RN Norma Gunn receives award from OFL representative. Dinner attendees from our Local included worker members of J.O.H.S.C. and Sherry Weese, Opseu Region 3 Staff Rep. Christmas Party Dates! Mark your calendars and book your time off. 331 Children's Christmas Party is Sunday December 2, again at the Oshawa Shriner's Club; 331 member party is December 9, again at Melanie Pringle's. Kid's party details here and staff party here. Both will be almazing events! Please Be Aware! Due to recent complaints, we are recommending that all staff exercise the right to union representation when meeting with Occupational Health. Members ARE entitled to representation for any and all meetings. Further
to that the courts recognize the Union: -
as an equal partner -
to support accommodation efforts -
moral obligation -
legal responsibility -
protects rights of others by ensuring Employer/member does not deviate from our
Collective Agreement unless all other accommodation efforts has been exhausted -
under recognition clause in every Collective Agreement -
Elected Union is the Keeper of the Contract and has entitlement to be at table This includes any type of accommodation need not just WSIB.
Furthermore courts recognize that it is a Union violation each and everytime an accomodation, alteration to work, or alternative work is agreed upon without the union present as this is seen as clearly bargaining outside of our C. A. So
in order to protect yourselves, always take a representative to your meetings! Thank you to everyone who attended our July Local 331 Staff Appreciation Event. It was another great success...huge turnout!
Family Picnic August 11th Emily Park - free to members and their families.
Lots of activities for the kids! -
Discounts for Toronto FC, Indoor Waterpark, Ontario Science Centre and Baka - Steward List and Updated Safety Rep list
anyone has other concerns or question please feel free to bring it forward to
the Union Office for assistance. Wishing
everyone a safe and happy summer! Collective Agreement! Collective Agreement books are available. Please visit the Union Office to receive your copy. Covers are in bright fuschia, you can't miss them! |