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Ministry of Labour Investigation

Today representatives from the M.O.L. arrived with the long-awaited report on violence.  The M.O.L. heard loud and clear your many phone calls, complaints, concerns and incident records and responded with a substantive report comprised of 15 comprehensive orders that our employer has to comply with, some within a one month time frame. (The orders can be seen on the unit and hospital Safety boards).   The importance and seriousness of the report was also conveyed by the presence of 3 senior MOL staff all of whom addressed our Employer.  Our employer now has a daunting task ahead of them in order to comply.  Upon completion, it will help our Employer to address the many issues our membership identified and it should provide a much safer work environment for all of us.

The MOL also emphasized the importance and understanding of the Internal Responsibilities  System (IRS), and that the duties, responsibilities and rights of the various workplace parties is one of the most integral steps to ensure that all workers are safe.

Your Local Executive thanks all members for bringing forward their safety concerns and we strongly encourage our members to continue to follow these duties, responsibilities and rights and report any other hazards and concerns. Only by working together, can we make our workplace a safer place for all.

REMEMBER: remember

Workers have the right to:

▪Know about workplace hazards and what to do about them

▪Participate in solving workplace health and safety problems

▪Refuse work they believe is unsafe

Workers must

▪Follow the law and workplace health & safety policies and procedures

▪Wear and use the protective equipment required by their employer.

▪Work and act in a way that won’t endanger themselves or anyone else

▪Report any hazards or injuries to their supervisor.

An Employer must NOT take action against a worker(s) for following the law and raising Health & Safety concerns.

