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January 02, 2018

For member information               



3.05 Temporary employee

• A Temporary employee is defined as an employee filling a vacancy caused by illness, accident, pregnancy/parental leaves, vacation, leaves of absences not expected to exceed greater than 12 months or specific tasks or projects of less than 12 continuous calendar months, or such longer time as the parties may agree upon. Such request shall not unreasonably be denied. They may be assigned either full-time or part-time hours as identified elsewhere in this Agreement.

• Temporary employees regardless of hours worked will be paid the applicable wage and percentage in lieu of benefit payments as defined elsewhere in the agreement.

• Temporary employees are not eligible for Layoff and Recall rights as per Article 32 (Layoff/Recall) of this agreement but are entitled to Employment Standards Act severance and notice provisions.

Temporary employees, , are not eligible to apply for posted vacancies until they have completed at least six (6) months of their assignment.

• The termination of a temporary employee shall not be the subject of a grievance or arbitration.


9.03 Complaint Stage

A complaint shall be communicated with the supervisor/manager to whom the grievance pertains within 10 days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint or the employee reasonably become aware of the circumstance leading to the complaint.   If the complaint is not settled, it shall be taken up as a grievance within ten (10) days of the communication of the complaint in the manner and sequence described in the grievance steps.


Clarity Note: Any complaint heard by a manager is considered to be the manager to whom the grievance pertains unless otherwise directed.





9.04 Grievance Steps

• It is understood that an employee has no grievance until he she has first given his her immediate manager/supervisor or designate or the manager to whom the grievance pertains the opportunity to attempt to resolve the complaint.

• The employee shall file a signed grievance with his or her immediate Supervisor/Manager to whom the grievance pertains and shall state the nature of the grievance and the remedy sought. The employee and a union steward (if employee requests) shall meet in person with his the manager/supervisor or designate and give them the opportunity to discuss and resolve the grievance.

• The immediate Supervisor/Manager to whom the grievance pertains shall give the grievor his decision in writing within ten (10) days of the submission of the grievance.


Clarity Note: Any complaint heard by a manager is considered to be the manager to whom the grievance pertains unless otherwise directed.





It is agreed that there will be no discrimination by either party to this Agreement or by any of the employees covered by this Agreement against any employee because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, or disability, as defined in section 10(1) of the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC), including but not limited to race, colour, ancestry, creed (religion), place of origin, citizenship, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity), sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, disability and receipt of public assistance.


18.01 Add to existing language


It is a mutual interest of the parties to promote health and safety in workplaces and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries and occupational diseases. The parties agree that health and safety is of the utmost importance and agree to promote health and safety and wellness throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions.






ARTICLE 18.12  – Violence in the Workplace


To be amended to read as follows:


Workplace violence shall be defined as any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted during the course of their employment.  The Employer Centre agrees that these incidents will not be condoned in the workplace.  The Centre shall endeavour to take all reasonable measures to protect employees from violence at work.


In consultation with the Union, based on the recommendations of the site specific JHSC, the Centre will:


a)    conduct annual risk assessments or more often as necessary with a full-time union member chosen by the union from that unit or program, where applicable. Results are shared with the Joint Health and Safety Committee and posted in the unit or department;

b)    maintain establish a violence prevention policy;

c)    maintain establish and review safe work practices and procedures to eliminate or minimize violence;

d)    maintain establish procedures for reporting, investigating and recording of incidents of violence; and

e)    provide information and training to employees on the recognition of potentially violent situations and diffusion of violent situations.




Article 23 MATERNITY Pregnancy LEAVE


23.01  Employees who have been continuously employed for 13 weeks prior to the

 anticipated date of birth or prior to the commencement of the leave, will, upon application and in accordance with the Employment Standard At, 2000, be granted a pregnancy leave of absence without pay of at least seventeen (17) weeks or such other longer or shorter period of pregnancy leave as is required to be granted under the Employment Standard Act, 2000, or such shorter period as requested by the employee.


23.02   During the first week of pregnancy leave, an employee Employees will be paid 93% of their salary the actual weekly rate of pay that she was receiving on the last day worked prior to the start of the leave during the first one two (2) weeks of their maternity leave. For those employees who are eligible for Employment Insurance (EI), the Centre will top up the EI payment to a total of 93% up to a maximum of 15 16 weeks based on the rate of pay they receive on the last day worked, prior to the start of the leave.



           In order to be eligible for the top-up under this Article 23.03, EI benefits are payable from eight (8) weeks prior to the scheduled date of birth up to seventeen (17) weeks after the expected date of confinement, whichever is later. the employee must provide the Centre with proof that she is in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, (Canada) and the amount of the EI benefit she is receiving.

          In no event will the top-up exceed the difference between 93% of the employee’s actual weekly rate of pay that she was receiving on the last day worked prior to the start of the leave and the employee’s EI benefit calculated without regard to any election by the employee to receive a lower EI benefit spread over a longer period of time as may be permitted under the Employment Insurance Act.

           An employee who is ill prior to the estimated delivery date is entitled to paid sick leave, upon providing her immediate supervisor with a medical certificate from a duly qualified practitioner that a medical condition exists to warrant early leave. The terms of the Sick Leave policy shall apply.

           During Maternity Pregnacy Leave, the employee may decline to continue in the Centre’s Benefit and Pension Plans or they may continue coverage by paying the employee portion of such coverage.  Employees must arrange to provide such payment one (1) month in advance of the first of each month for such coverage.

           Employees who choose to take Parental Leave must begin their leave as soon as their maternity Pregnancy Leave is over.

           An employee returning from Maternity Leave will return to her position unless it no longer exists.  In such a case the employee, will be given a comparable job, if possible, or the layoff provisions will apply.

           Such payments shall include any progression on the wage grid and any negotiated or amended wage rates.


23.03 Vacation credits, seniority and service will continue to accrue during the pregnancy leave.


23.04 An employee entitled to pregnancy leave, under this article, who provides the employer with proof that she is in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits

pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, (Canada) shall be paid an allowance in accordance with the Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan.


Clarity Note re “Actual Weekly Rate of Pay”: The Centre shall commit to follow Employment Insurance Standards to calculate the average weekly rate of pay for the purposes of top up.




Article 24



24.01               Parental leave may begin no earlier than the day the child is born or comes into custody, care and control of the parent for the first time; and no later than 52 weeks after the day the child is born or comes into custody, care and control of the parent for the first time or after any period of parental leave required to be granted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000.


The parental leave of an employee who takes pregnancy leave must begin when the pregnancy leave ends unless the child has not yet come into the custody, care and control of the parent for the first time.


Parental leave ends 35 weeks after it begins for an employee who takes pregnancy leave and 37 weeks after it begins for an employee who did not take pregnancy leave, or such other longer or shorter period of parental leave required to be granted under the Employment Standards Act, 2000, or on an earlier day if the employee gives the direct supervisor or manager at least four (4) weeks’ written notice of that day.


Where an employee chooses who has not taken a pregnancy leave serves to serve the two (2) one (1) week waiting period under the Employment Insurance Act Canada before receiving parental benefits under that Act, she/he will receive for the first two (2) weeks, a payments equivalent to 93% of the actual weekly rate of pay that he or she was receiving on the last day worked prior to the start of the leave, and,


Up to a maximum of 15 16 additional weeks, payments equivalent to the difference between the sum of the weekly Employment Insurance (EI) benefits that the employee is eligible to receive and any other earning received by the employee and 93% of the actual weekly rate of pay which he or she was receiving on the last day worked. The top-up will be calculated based on the EI benefit that would be payable to the employee without regard to any election by the employee to receive a lower EI benefit spread over a longer period of time as may be permitted under the Employment Insurance Act.  In order to be eligible for the top-up under this Article 24.01, the employee must provide the Centre with proof that she is in receipt of Employment Insurance benefits pursuant to the Employment Insurance Act, (Canada) and the amount of the EI benefit the employee is receiving or would be eligible to receive if the employee had not made an election to spread the EI payments out over a longer period of time, if permitted by the Employment Insurance Act. In no event will the top-up exceed the difference between 93% of the employee’s actual


           weekly rate of pay that she was receiving on the last day worked prior to the start of the leave and the employee’s EI benefit calculated without regard to any election by the employee to receive a lower EI benefit spread over a longer period of time as may be permitted under the Employment Insurance Act.

An employee returning from parental leave will return to his/her position unless it no longer exists. In such a case the employee will be given a comparable job, if possible, or the layoff provisions will apply.


This leave shall permit the accumulation of vacation credits for not more than 35 weeks or as otherwise required under the Employment Standard Act.  Such payments shall include any progression on the wage grid and any negotiated or amended wage rates.


Vacation credits, seniority  Seniority and service will continue to accrue during the parental leave.


24.04 Except for an employee to whom Article 23 (Maternity Pregnancy Leave) applies, an employee on parental leave is entitled, upon application in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiry of the leave, to a further consecutive leave of absence without pay but with accumulation of credits for not more than six (6) weeks. If the Employment Standard Act, 200 is amended to extend the length of the statutory unpaid parental leave, this clause will not apply to any employee who is eligible for such longer parental leave.


Clarity Note re “Actual Weekly Rate of Pay”: The Centre shall commit to follow Employment Insurance Standards to calculate the average weekly rate of pay for the purposes of top up.




ARTICLE 25 – Sick Leave/Short Term Disability – Full-Time Employees Only


Amend article 25.01 Sick Hours Accumulation to add the following (c) and (d):

(c) where an employee is on sick leave of absence which commences in one (1) calendar year and continues into the following calendar year, they are not entitled to refresh their annual sick leave bank, until the employee has returned to work for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days. For clarity, such an employee is not entitled to sick leave of absence with pay for more than 130 working days in the 2 calendar years combined, unless the employee has returned to work for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days prior to being entitled to further sick leave.

(d) Fifteen consecutive working days may be reduced at the discretion of the Employer.         


ARTICLE 27 – Vacation


Article 27.01 to be amended as follows – effective January 1, 2018


  • Up to 1 year – vacation earned at a rate of 9.375 7.5 hours for each completed calendar month of service with pay to a maximum of 112.5 90 hours per calendar year.
  • 1-3 years: 3 weeks of vacation – maximum hours of 112.5
  • 4-13 15 years: 4 weeks of vacation – maximum hours of 150
  • 14 16 - 2122 years: 5 weeks of vacation – maximum hours of 187.5
  • 22-27 23+ years: 6 weeks of vacation – maximum hours of 225
  • 28 years +: 7 weeks of vacation – maximum hours of 262.5



f) An employee whose status changes from part-time or casual to full-time shall receive seniority and benefit credit for hours worked.


g) In the event seniority between two or more employees is the same, seniority shall be determined by order of assigned employee numbers, the lower number being the more senior. The Employer shall issue employee numbers in order of hiring on a go-forward basis upon the ratification of this agreement.





New Article (new 32.09 , renumber remaining sections of Article 32 accordingly)


Following both long term and short term displacement selections, the Employer will provide a list to the union of the mapping of selections prior to confirmation of the final results of mapping with the impacted employees


34.10 Add to existing language


b) An Employee returning for assignment outside the bargaining unit must remain in the bargaining unit for a period of at least 6 weeks before transferring out of the bargaining unit again or he/she will lose seniority held at the time of his/her subsequent transfer.


New Article (new 34.10) Transfer to a Lower-Paying Classification


An employee who successfully posts into a lower paying classification within the bargaining units shall be placed at the closet step in the new salary range, representative of their current rate, with no adjustment to her anniversary date.



NEW ARTICLE 45– Workload


The Parties have a mutual interest in the provision of quality patient care.  Therefore, when an employee, or group of employees, who provide direct clinical patient care covered by this agreement have cause to believe that they are being asked to perform more work than is consistent with proper patient care it is agreed by the parties that such concerns will first be raised with their immediate manager/designate. Where a resolution is not reached, such workload problems may be discussed by the local Labour Management Committee.

If no consensus can be reached at Labour Management Committee the parties will meet with the VP,Clinical Services within thirty (30) days of referral to present the issues.  The VP, Clinical Services will notify the Union of the decision in writing within fourteen (14) days.




April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2020



CLASSIFICATION STEP TABLE:                                        



·         Year One:1.4% general wage increase effective April 1, 2017

·         Year Two:1.4% general wage increase effective April 1, 2018

·         Year Three: 1% general wage increase effective April 1, 2019, 1% general wage increase effective October 1, 2019.


Effective the date of this Award, Steps 5 and 6 on the Psychologist wage grid shall each be adjusted upwards by $1.00



Reclassify Therapeutic Recreationists to Recreation Therapists

Reclassify Rehabilitation Therapists to Behaviour Therapists


Add to Appendix (wages): Health Informatics Specialist


Rate of pay for Health Informatics Specialist shall be determined as per the Minutes of Settlement signed 23rd of January 2017.


Physician Assistant will be add to the Collective Agreement





Remove letter of understanding #1. The parties agreed to renew LOU @2,3,4,5,6,8 and 10





The parties will engage a third party facilitator from the Ministry of Labour to conduct three Ministry of Labour programs with the LMC: Effective Labour Management Committee, Conflict Resolution and Relationship Building. Committee members shall attend such training with no loss of pay or credits. Cost charged by the Mistry of Labour for these programs shall be shared by both parties.




Note regarding retroactivity:

           Only wages are subject to retroactivity in this Award. In that regard the Centre shall pay retroactive wages in respect of the April 1, 2017 wage increase on the basis of all paid hours from April 1, 2017. Any retroactive payments will only be paid to the current employees, employees who retired, voluntarily resigned or were terminated during the term of this agreement. Payment is to be made within sixty (60) days of the date of this Award. For eligible employees who have left the employ of the Hospital, a letter shall be sent to their last known address. Where such an employee does not respond to such a letter within sixty (60) days of the date of it being sent by the Hospital, such employee shall have no claim to retroactivity.




