OPSEU Local 331.Org


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Heads Up Local 331 Members...

We will be at the bargaining table negotiating a new contract with the employer this coming week. Currently scheduled dates are Tuesday May 23rd and Wednesday May 24th and your team is looking forward to representing our membership.

Our membership is a diverse workforce filled with empathy and compassion and who provide outstanding care, support and services to our patients. Our team is both privileged and proud to represent you at negotiations.

I've had a number of conversations with many of our members over the past few weeks and I am blown away by your enthusiasm, encouragement and support as we head into the weeks ahead to bargain a fair contract for "All of Us".

On behalf of myself and our team, we THANK YOU Members of OPSEU Local 331. Your enthusiasm and support is what makes us strong as members, as a Local and as representatives.

Also, "All of Us" T-shirts have arrived and delivery has begun to those who signed the form on the units and departments. If you missed the sign-up sheet, no worries just call us at ext. 6351, send us a message or drop by the office to pick up your shirt. Wear them on Bargaining Days and of course as often as you like. It really is about "All of Us', working together...we are "331 Strong"

We will keep you posted as we can.

In Solidarity,

Patti Lang
President OPSEU Local 331

Your Bargaining Team

RN Unit - Jonathan Leung, Avery Thurman

Paramedical/Professional Unit Including RPN's - Glynis Marcus, Paul Carnaroli, Denise Wagler-Allan, (Alternate-Sherry Shanahan)

Office, Clerical, Service and Maintenance Unit - Leanne Beaudry, Patti Lang, (Alternate-Carrol Espie)

#BeLoudBeProud #331Strong #AllofUs #WorkingTogether





