Extracted from the recommendation from Ontario health:

Common principles

  • Allowing Health Care Workers (HCWs) to maintain employment at more than one organization supports their finacial well-being and enables more flexible system deployment and response.
  • individual organizations may chose to make additional recommendations above and beyond these recommendations, as appropriate to their setting and situation.


To help maintain the ability to deliver critical health services across Ontario`health care system, it is recommended that:

  • Organizations should not restrict HCWs from working for multiple organizations.
  • All asymptomatic HCWs who have been advised to self-isolate and work virtually where possible, may be required to only work at one organization for the duration of the self-isolation period
  • HCWs working on a suspected or declared COVID-19 outbreak unit, a COVID-19 area within an organization, or an intensive care unit caring for probable or confirmed COVID cases may not be permitted to work elsewhere until the outbreak is cleared, or at the direction of the local public health or aligned with infection control practices. Organizational decision regarding the deployment of resources in these circumstances will be made in a manner that balances the needs of patient care and safety aligned to local conditions.

NB:  Ontario Regulation 158/20, an order under Subsection 7.0.2 (4) of the Emergency Management and Civil protection Act was put into effect limiting work to a single retirement home.

......An employee of a licensee who performs work in a retirement home shall not also perform work,

   (a) in another retirement home operate by the licensee;

   (b) as an employee of another licensee; or

   (c) as an employee of a health service provider.


The order will be revoked on May 6, 2020 unless it is extended

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Ontario Health HR Recommendation_COVID-19 Health Care Worker Multi-Employer_rev 4Apr20 PDF.pdf

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