In addition to the member discount through OPSEU (e.g. Bell Mobility, Insurance), we are please to inform you that your Local has joined the Union Saving.ca. Members can get discount on various services .
Find out more: Union Savings.ca
Jan 28, 2025
11:00 am-1:00 pm
Nominations and Elections For
Convention & Bargaining Team
Bargaining Team: 7 OPSEU Members will be elected with alternates.
Convention: This consists of 6 delegates and up to 6 Alternates
Nominations for either team must be sent to executive331@opseu331.org by end of day Feb 8, 2025 and will be confirmed at the meeting by 11:20 am
(For Convention, please indicate if you would like to be nominated/ elected for Delegate or Alternate, or both)
Zoom Link to the meeting to be sent to personal email.
Please email communication@opseu331.org if you have not provided us your personal email address.
Lunch will be provided if attend on-site.
Current members who attend the meeting will have a chance to win 1 of the 10 $100 Visa/ Master gift cards
Electronic Ballots will be sent out after the meeting only to those who attend this meeting virtually. Poll station for members who attend in-person opened at 1130.
Feb 7, 2025
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
January 21, 2025
What the arbitrator decided:
Term: April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2025
Effective April 1, 2023 – 3.5%
Effective April 1, 2024 – 3.0%
Shift Premiums
– increased to $ 2.64/hour (effective Jan 16, 2025)
Weekend Premiums
– increased to $ 3.04/hour (effective Jan 16, 2025)
Call Back Pay (Article 37.03)
Effective Jan16, 2025, increase from time and a half to Double time.
Benefits: (effective Feb 2025)
Vision: Increase to $450.00
Chiropractic: Increase to &45 per visit
Message & Physio: Increase to $55 per visit
Psychological Services: Increase to $70 per half hour
RN grid:
Effective April 1, 2023 and prior to general wage increase:
| Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | Step 8 |
RN2 | $38.87 | $39.54 | $40.63 | $41.80 | $42.73 | $45.02 | $47.30 | $52.53 |
RN3 | $40.44 | $41.60 | $42.70 | $43.80 | $44.90 | $46.20 | $47.56 | $52.53 |
Clinic Nurse | $44.92 | $46.21 | $47.35 | $48.51 | $49.65 | $51.00 | $52.53 |
Special Adjustment (effective Sept 1, 2023):
1.75% increase to the top step of the following classifications:
- Occupational Therapist
- Psychometrist
- Physician Assistant
- Psychologist,
- Psychotherapist
- Master Social Worker
- Librarian
- Behavioural Analyst
- Behavioural Therapist
- Case Worker
Special Adjustment (effective Jan 16, 2025)
Occupational Therapist – increase by $1.00 per hour at Step 5
Physician Assistant – increase by $1.00 per hour st Step 6
Behavioural Analyst to main parity with Occupational Therapist
Effective April 1, 2020, a new wage grid starting from $39.82 to $46.57
Amendment to Article 18.06
Tradesperson – division of the classification into 3 categories
Note regarding Retroactivity
Retroactivity shall be paid on wage increase within 4 full pay periods. Specific instruction for former employee.
Note regarding Retroactivity
Current employees on staff will be paid retroactivity, within four (4) full pay periods, from the date of the award ( Jan 16, 2025), on the basis of hours paid.
Retroactivity shall be paid on wage increases, including any payments based on the wage rate (e.g. the percentage in lieu of benefits and vacation pay)
Retro to Former Employee
The Centre will contact former employees at their last known address on record with the Centre within four (4) full pay periods from the date of this award, to advise them of their entitlement to retroactivity. Former employees will have a period of four (4) full pay periods from the date of the notice to claim such retroactivity and, if they fail to claim within the four (4) full pay periods, their claim will be deemed to be abandoned.
Highlight on other changes:
- Amendment to Article 10.01 – Work of the bargaining Unit
- New Article - 15.07 regarding diversity and inclusion
- Amendment to Article 42.01 – leave without pay
- New Letter of Understanding – Psychology Intern
January 16, 2025
Attention local 331 members:
If you are not aware, we have a new OPSEU local 331Facebook page and Instagram page. In interest to obtain more followers, we are giving away Oshawa Generals tickets for the Feb. 23rd game. The members will be able to have 2 tickets, with a voucher for a hot dog and a pop. Details on how to get the tickets will be on our Facebook https://www.facebook.com/share/17fJCvMhxc/?mibextid=wwXIfr and Instagram page this Friday Jan 17th. Tickets will be given to the first 50 members who respond.. Have a great day and good luck!
This is for current members only.
In Solidarity,
OPSEU/SEFPO local 331 executive team
January 21, 2025
As you are aware, the parties had an arbitration with the Board of arbitrators in November, 2024. The Board has rendered their decision on Jan 16, 2025
OPSEU will hold a hybrid member information session. Your bargaining team and our negotiator will be present at the meeting to clarify any question you may have.
Information session
January 22, 2023
5:00pm to 6:30pm
Hybrid Meeting
500 King St. West
Or Zoom
Please email communication@opseu331.org with your personal email address (if you have not already done so) and we will send you the link.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Team and Local Executives
January 2, 2025
As you are aware, there are some significant changes to the Attendance Support Program Starting this year. Please see the comparison of the 2 versions below.
If you have concerns, please contact the Union Office at ext. 6351 or contact a Steward before January 7, 2025.
January 2, 2025
Current employees working in the eligible positions should have received the letter and the payment.
Current employees who previously worked in the eligible positions but currently in a different position, will not get a letter, but should have received the payment. If you have not received the retro, please email pay equity email address.
January 2, 2025
- Please share with any former employee that are eligible.
The employer will send a letter to the last known address on their file of the eligible former employees on Jan 6, 2025. They have to return the form to the employer before Feb 14, 2025.
Please ensure the employer has your updated address.
January 2, 2025
Current | Upcoming |
5 incidents and 6 days within the 6-month period | 3 incidents and/ or 45 hours within the 6-month period |
Only full shift will count | Partial shift still count |
All Permanent employees | All employees |
After 2 six-month periods under the threshold, off the program. If goes back on after that, will start at the initial stage (Except exiting from Stage 4, will start back from Stage 3) | After 2 six-month periods under the threshold, off the program. If goes back on after that , will start at the one stage below where one exits the program |
At Stage 3 or 4, require medical for every absence. For Stage 2, may require medical. | Stage 2, may require medical |
Met with manager / supervisor at initial stage, Stage 1 and/ or Stage 2
| Employee could elect to have Union presented at the initial, Stage1and/or Stage 2 meeting
Definition of Absence: Current says “anytime an employee, who is scheduled or otherwise expected to be at work, and is not in attendance at work
| Now says “failure of an employee to show up, on time, and fit for work, for all or part of their regularly scheduled shifts.”
November 5, 2024
December 11, 2024
The process to claim retro pay for former employees in eligible classifications will be delayed due to the postal strike.
Updated information will be posted once it became available.
January 2, 2025
We are still waiting for the Board of Arbitrators to render their Award.
NB: The arbitration we had in November was a evening hearing as the Arbitrators did not have availability until this year. Compound with other factors like getting 3 arbitrators to review the proposals over the holiday season with their already busy schedule is not an easy task. We also have quite a list of remaining items put to the Board of Arbitrators to decide since the employer had not been engaging much at the table.
July 1, 2024
We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the status of the Pay Equity process between OPSEU 331.and the Employer.
od progress and continue to work on a Pay Equity Plan. There will be an announcement once all related tasks are finalized. The Pay Equity Plan will be shared once it is completed.
Over the past few months, the union and the employer have met multiple times in an effort to complete the pay equity process. We have made go
August 12, 2024
Further to the previous memo sent out, by your bargaining team June 24, 2024, your bargaining team met with the employer with the assistance of the Ministry of Labour Conciliator on July 29, 2024. It is very discouraging that no progress has been made.
The Union is attempting to ensure wages and working conditions meet with industry and local standards. Unfortunately, the employer is unwilling to consider these standards. The Union is ready to bargain. However, the Employer appears more inclined to delay the process at arbitration, to achieve the bare minimum of change.
Competitive monetary compensation is very important to our members, as we continue this fight.
OPSEU Local 331 Bargaining Team
Oct 17, 2024
As a follow-up to previous communications from your Bargaining Team regarding the Bargaining process, a date has been set for Interest Arbitration on Wednesday November 6th. We will continue to keep you informed of any developments as they arise.
Also, you may have received an email from OPSEU/SEFPO regarding the launch of The Social Mapping Survey. This important demographic survey is conducted every 5 years with the aim of better understanding who our members are, what barriers they may be facing, and inform changes that need to be made to ensure our union meets the needs of everyone. You should have received an email from Blueprint, the research partner for the Social Mapping Project. Also, check your spam folder as it might have been sent there.
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Local Executive.
April 4, 2024
1. The bargaining survey has been sent out electronically. Current members who have not received it could send an email to communication@opseu331.org. The survey is open until April 19, 2024.
2. Demand set meeting is scheduled on April 30, 2024 at 5:00pm in Oshawa Regional Office. It will be a hybrid meeting. The Zoom link will be send out when it gets closer.
3. Group of members who would like to submit a special case will have to submit the information to the Union Office on or before 4pm April 25, 2024 and present their case to the membership at the Demand Set meeting.
April 29, 2024
The bargaining Team of Local 331 is inviting you to a Hybrid meeting.
Topic: Local 331 Demand setting
Time: Apr 30, 2024 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
In-person : OPSEU Regional Office, Oshawa
500 King St W, Oshawa
Join Zoom Meeting:
July 1, 2024
Your OPSEU Bargaining Team met with the Employer for face-to-face negotiations for three days of bargaining in May 2024 with minimal movement at the table.
On June 7, 2024, the parties moved to meeting with a Ministry of Labour Conciliator. A plan to proceed was discussed on the first day. Little progress was made, and the Employer requested a “No Board Report” from the Conciliator that will lead us to mediation and then arbitration.
However, the parties did agree to meet with the Conciliator another day in July in attempt to resolve some outstanding issues.
We recognized the cost of living and inflation is at an all time high. The importance of strong language in the Collective Agreement and competitive monetary compensation is imperative. We will continue to fight on the demands set by the membership.
Details of negotiations are confidential. However, your Bargaining Team will continue to keep you informed as we work towards reaching an agreement on your demands.
The Bargaining Team needs your continued trust and support throughout this entire process and ask that you continue to police your current Collective Agreement, which remains in effect.
You are the Union! Know your rights and your responsibilities – know your Collective Agreement.
OPSEU Local 331 Bargaining Team
Feb 3, 2024
11:00 am-1:00 pm
NOMINATIONS MUST BY SENT BY END OF DAY FEB. 21st TO: executive331@opseu331.org
Please email communication@opseu331.org if you have not provided us your personal email address.
Feb 21, 2024
1. Nominations for the Bargaining team, delegate/alternate for OPSEU Convention, and delegate/ alternate for Regional Meeting should be submitted before 4:30pm today
2. Hybrid General Membership Meeting will be held at 11 am -1 pm ( revolving) on Friday , February 23, 2024, in Conference Room B or via Zoom.
3. Pre- registration is required for attending virtually. Please see the link below.
4. For members who are not on our email distribution list, could email communication@opseu331.org to ask for the link.
5. Current member who attend the meeting (in-person or virtually) will have a chance to win 1 of the 5 prepaid visa cards ($100 )
6. An electronic ballot will be sent out around 3pm and only to those who attend the meeting.
7. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Feb 26, 2024
The issue with determining the position has been resolved. Therefore, there is no need to do a second vote.
Below are the results from the Nominations and the Elections:
A) Bargaining Team:
Deidre Arbour, OT, FTU
Michelle Bakracevski , RPN, CGPB
Erica Dutschek, SW, CGPA
1st alternate: Raymond Mitchell, RPN, CGPD
Office, Clerical/ Support Services:
Paramedical/ Professional Unit:
Jeanette Daubney, Secretary, Geriatric
Kristina Walters, PCA , FRU
Jackie Schumacher, FRU
Jonathan Leung, FTU
B) Convention:
Delegates to Convention:
1. Michelle Bakracevski
2. Jackie Schumacher
3. Amanda Romano
4. Kristina Walters
5. Ashley Cathcart
6. Jonathan Leung
1. Madina Meghani
2. Stephanie Campoli
C) Delegates to Regional Meeting:
1. Michelle Bakracevski
2. Jackie Schumacher
3. Amanda Romano
4. Kristina Walters
5. Ashley Cathcart
6. Jonathan Leung
D) Lucky winners of the $100 pre-paid Visa card:
1. Lina Fan
2. Erica Dutschek
3. Cheryl Reyes
4. Heather Morhon
5. Perlita Doig
Your Local Executives would like to thank all the candidates who stepped up to the plate.
Jan 20, 2024
Every 3.75 hours worked is entitled to a 15-minute paid break. If you are scheduled for a 4-hour shift, you should be paid 4 hours.
Jan 20, 2024
Do you feel you have too many tasks to do during your shift and not enough time? Do you feel overwhelmed with workload?
Are you feeling you do not have enough work to do? Do you feel you are overpaid and want to pick up more responsibilities?
Over the years, many duties have been downloaded from one discipline to another because of a reduction in positions. When opportunities arise, you'll want to advocate to have those tasks removed from your own discipline back to their original discipline. This can help save jobs and manage your everyday duties and responsibilities.
Jan 26, 2024
To show our appreciation to the ongoing support from the Membership, your Local Executives have ordered Yeti Cups for current Members. Please come by the Union Office to pick up yours. The pickup time are as follows:
January 29, 2024 (Monday) 0700-0730, 1030-1100, 1500-1600
January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 0900-0930, 1500-1530
If you are not able to come by the office to pick up during the above times, please send an email from your work email account to funtimes@opseu331.org to authorize a designated member to pick up for you.
Please pick up on or before Jan 30, 2024. The Yeti cup will not be available after this day.
Nov 29, 2023
Local 331 is inviting you to a hybrid meeting regarding Staff Mix change on November 30, 2023 from 5:30pm to 7 pm
500King St. West, Oshawa
By Zoom( please see link below)
Topic: Information
Time: Nov 30, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Jan 20, 2024
To show our appreciation to the ongoing support from the Membership, your Local Executives have ordered Yeti Cups for current Members. Please come by the Union Office to pick up yours. The pickup time are as follows:
January 22, 2024 (Monday) 0700-0730, 1030-1100, 1500-1600
January 23, 2024 (Tuesday) 1030-1100, 1500-1600
January 29, 2024 (Monday) 0700-0730, 1030-1100, 1500-1600
January 30, 2024 (Tuesday) 0900-0930, 1500-1530
If you are not able to come by the office to pick up during the above time, please send an email from your work email account to funtimes@opseu331.org to authorize a designated member to pick up for you.
Jan 20, 2024
Please check your pay carefully for errors. There have been issues reported with the new system.
Nov 22, 2023
Yesterday , the Employer announced they are going to make changes to the staffing mix and have our Members work to the top of their scope in many of the in-patient units. Although your Local Executives have raised some generalized concerns to the Employer, we understand that there may be questions and concerns from our members on how these changes will impact them. We would like to hear from you on the specific concerns, if any. Your Union will be holding a Zoom meeting on Thursday November 30th where we can discuss the potential impact of these changes. We encourage you to attend the meeting on Thursday Nov. 30, 2023.@ 5:30 – 7:00pm. This will be hybrid and the link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Nov 22, 2023
Reposted (Originally posted on Nov 24, 2017)
i). Article 35.07 of the Collective Agreement provides if the reporting time (at change of shifts to authorized nursing staff and other authorized professions) extends beyond fifteen (15) minutes, the entire period
shall be considered overtime. e.g. For a 12 hr day shift (0700-1900hr): If you finished your TOA @ 1920hr, the whole period from 1900-1920hr. will be considered overtime for the purpose of overtime payment.
ii). Overtime shall be calculated to the nearest half-hour as per Article 35.03 (a).
Nov 22, 2023
Repost (originally posted on May 12, 2023)
The parties have reached a settlement that overtime work will be rounded to the next half hour. E.g. overtime work for 35 minutes will be round to one hour at overtime rate. This also applied to a full 12-hour shift (11.25 hours), which will be round to 11.50 hr at overtime rate
Year | ONA | CUPE (Sept) | SEIU (Jan) | OPSEU - HPD | OPSEU L331 |
2020 | 1.75% | | | | 1.75% |
2021 | 2% | 4.75% | | | 1.75% |
2022 | 3% | 3.5% | 4.75% | 4.75% | 4.75% |
2023 | | | 3.5% | 3.5% | |
2024 | | | | 3% | |
Year | ONA | CUPE (Sept) | SEIU (Jan) | OPSEU - HPD | OPSE- L331 |
2020 | 1.75% | 1.65% | 1.60% | 1.75% | 1.75% |
2021 | 2% | 4.75% | 1.65% | 1.75% | 1.75% |
2022 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 4.75% | 4.75% | 4.75% |
Sub- Total | 6.75% | 9.9% | 8% | 8.25% | 8.25% |
2023 | 3.5% | 3.5% | 3.5% | ||
2024 | 3% | 3% |
Oct 20, 2023
There has been some miscommunication regarding the upcoming switch to the new software in that facial recognition is the only way to sign in.
Please note that your Union Executives have raised objection to the use of facial recognition once we learned about the plan. Generally speaking, we have significant concerns with the use of any form of biometrics (e.g. facial recognition, fingerprints, etc), which is parallel to Case Law that supports the Unions position. The Employer has changed it from mandatory to become one of the options.
We encourage the members to use other methods to key in their ID number to maintain your privacy, minimize data breach, and identity theft, etc.
Oct 28, 2023
- Bill 124 was introduced by the Ford Government and imposed a 1% total compensation cap in each year of a three-year moderation period.
-The three years varies from each facility, as it started from the expiration of their Collective Agreement.
- The three-year period for us runs from April 2020-March 2022 and April 2022 to March 2023
- We had 2 bargaining dates with the Employer and they filed conciliation. After 2 days of conciliation, a No Board report was filed and we proceed to arbitration.
- It is well known that on November 24, 2022, Bill 124 was ruled unconstitutional.
- The January 17, 2022 award between the parties contained a normative re-opener provision. The parties had engaged in a negotiation of compensation re-opener and eventually had to refer back to the Board of Arbitrators. A supplementary Award was issued on October 26, 2023.
Oct 28, 2023
Highlights on Supplementary Award (Oct 26, 2023)
What the arbitrator decided:
Effective April 1, 2020 – additional 0.75% (1.75% total)
Effective April 1, 2021 – additional 0.75% (1.75% total)
Effective April 1, 2022 – additional 3.75% (4.75% total)
PCF Premiums (effective Oct 26, 2023)
- increased to $4.00 / hour
Shift Premiums (effective Oct 26, 2023)
– increased to $ 2.25/hour
Weekend Premiums (effective Oct 26, 2023)
– increased to $ 2.75/hour
Due to the switching to the new system, the new rate may not be seen on Nov 6th, but will be visible on Nov 23 pay date
Physician Assistant
Effective April 1, 2020, a new wage grid starting from $39.82 to $46.57
Social Worker
Effectively March 31, 2023, amend the Social Worker Wage Scale to add an additional $2.00 to the maximum rate. The other steps will be adjusted to maintain differentials
Effectively March 31, 2023, amend the Psychologist Wage Scale to add an additional $4.00 to the maximum rate. The other steps will be adjusted to maintain differentials
Patient Care Attendent
Incorporate $2 wage enhancement into the grid for PCAs that provide direct patient care and are in receipt of the wage enhancement under the permanent compensation enhancement program
Note regarding Retroactivity
Current employees on staff will be paid retroactivity, within four (4) full pay periods, from the date of the award ( Oct 26, 2023), on the basis of hours paid.
Retroactivity shall be paid on wage increases, including any payments based on the wage rate subjects to the dates upon which the proposals will become effective.
Retroactivity is expected to be paid out Dec 21 pay date
Retro to Former Employee
The Centre will contact former employees at their last known address on record with the Centre within four (4) full pay periods from the date of this award, to advise them of their entitlement to retroactivity. Former employees will have a period of four (4) full pay periods from the date of the notice to claim such retroactivity and, if they fail to claim within the four (4) full pay periods, their claim will be deemed to be abandoned.
August 16, 2023
Thank you to all member that participated in the Local Election process and attend the meeting on August 14, 2023 both in-person and virtually.
Congratulation to Amy D , winner of the visa card.
August 16, 2023
President: Jonathan Leung
Vice- President: Michelle Bakracevski
Secretary: Jackie Schumacher
Treasurer: Leanne Beaudry
Chief Steward: Taryn McDiarmid
Denise Wagler-Allan (FPRU)
Gabriela Turnbull (FRU)
Joanna Holley (GNOS)
Kristina Walters (FRU) - Equity Rep
Justin Baldoria (CGPD)
Raymond Mitchell (CGPD)
Carey Demareski (HIM)
Jolene Blanchette (GPU)
Scott Sarginson
Trenton Vey
August 17, 2023
Article 25.02
After 3 consecutive days of absence caused by sickness or injury the Employee will be required to provide a medical certificate supporting such absence. Notwithstanding this provision, where it is suspected that there may be an abuse of sick leave, the employee’s manager may require an employee to submit a medical certificate for a period of less than (3) days. Any such certificate requested by the Centre, shall be paid by the Centre.
Requests for further medical documentation shall be reasonable and take into consideration of the illness or injury.
July 21, 2023
Many of you may have heard about the recent Awards from ONA (wage reopener and New Collective Agreement) and CUPE (Wage re-opener). Those awards applied only to members of their respective Locals. As the joint memo, sent out on July 18, 2023, stated we are still working on Pay Equity and the Wage reopener negotiation will take place in late summer. If we are not successful on reaching agreement on the reopener, we have arbitration date scheduled in October. Once Pay Equity is completed, we will move into bargaining the next Collective agreement (April 1, 2023 onwards).
July 22, 2023
Monday August 14, 2023
11:00am to 1:00pm (revolving)
Conference Room B
(The link to the meeting and on-line voting will be sent to those that has provided us your personal email address. Please email communication@opseu331.org if you have not provide us your personal email address or phone number)
from the area July 22, 2023
It’s time once again to elect your OPSEU Local. Local elections are the foundation of OPSEU democracy.
Nomination forms are available from the Union Office and must be returned to our office by August 11, 2023. This will allow a few days for election lists to be finalized for the membership meeting. Please email executive331@opseu331.org or hand delivered to the Union Office.
There are 5 Executive Positions up for election:
●President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chief Steward;
●2 Trustee positions; (Trustees cannot hold any other position within our Local or any other Local)
●Multiple steward positions
Please submit a form for each position you wish to be elected to.
Each Steward must have two nominators listed on the form from the department/ area they are elected from. Candidates for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chief Steward must first be an elected steward.
Stewards will be confirmed at the August 14, 2023 Meeting.
Executive nominees will then be nominated. Any acclimations will occur at this meeting for all positions. Should an election be necessary, on-line voting will be held on August 21,2023
Please contact the Local at extension 6478/6351 if you would like further information.
It is with deep sadness to share the passing of our Sister Mary Bloomfield. Mary was a dedicated Union member working as a Mental Health nurse for almost three decades. She was a compassionate, kind soul who impacted everyone who came across her path. Mary has always gone above and beyond the call of duty and has mentored many members throughout her career with her expertise and knowledge being a true asset.
Mary has been a labour activist with OPSEU Local 331 for many years. She was a picket captain during our strikes, attended and actively participated in OPSEU rallies, co-facilitated at Regional Educationals, was on the executive team for several years, the Co-chair of Joint Heath and Safety Committee and was a staple on the Pay Equity committee.
Mary was a selfless, caring, and fierce advocate for her family, friends, members, and strangers. She brightened the room with her kindness, caring nature and was loved by so many.
During this time, we offer deepest condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. Mary will truly be missed by all.
A funeral service will take place at Lakeland Funeral Centre on July 13, 2023 at 11:00 AM followed by a reception and private burial at Little Britain Christian Cemetery.
March 11, 2023
The elected Representatives to the Convention are:
1. Jonathan Leung (automatic)
2. Michelle Bakracevski
3. Leanne Beaudry
4. Jackie Schumacher
5. Mary Bloomfield
6. Taryn McDiarmid
1. Gabriela Turnbull
2. Kristina Walters
March 11, 2023
Thank you everyone for attending the meeting.
Congratulations to Carrol Espie , the lucky winner of the $500 Visa card .
December 18, 2022
Article 34.04 b) Where an employee is assigned temporarily to perform the duties of a position in a classification with a higher salary, he or she shall be paid acting pay from that day in accordance with the next higher rate in the higher classification, providing he or she has performed the duties for the full day.
Article December 18, 2022
New Article 25.02 After three consecutive days of absence caused by sickness or injury the Employee will be required to provide a medical certificate supporting such absence. Notwithstanding this provision, where it is suspected there may be an abuse of sick leave, the employee’s manager may require an employee to submit a medical certificate for a period of absence of less than three (3) days. Any such certificate requested by the Hospital, shall be paid by the Hospital.
Requests for further medical documentation shall be reasonable
and take into consideration the nature of the illness or injury.
During previous round of bargaining, we gave noticed to the Employer that we will enforce specific language in the Collective Agreement on the following;
Overtime Calculation
Article 35.03 ……The overtime rate shall be one-and-one-half (1 1/2) times the regular straight time hourly rate of pay calculated to the nearest half-hour.
e.g. OT work of 25 minutes, our position is 25 minx 1.5(OT rate) = 37.5 min at straight time rate, then round to the half hour = 1 hour.
Previous calculation: 25 minutes OT work will be paid 37.5 minutes straight time rate.
This method of calculation should apply to a full shift as well (e.g. 11.25 hr shift)
Article 37.08 Reporting Pay
We took the position this Article applies regardless of whether it is an extension of shift or not.
OPSEU will not deduct dues off on the Nursing Retention Fund
Please see below. Subjected to Ratification.
Tentative Agreement below had been ratified by the membership on June 30, 2022
OPSEU is proceeding with a Charter Challenge on Bill 124
We will have our first Court Day scheduled in September 2022
April 4, 2022
For member information
The Employer sent a letter out on Thursday, March 31, 2022 providing an update regarding the Pay Equity process. In it they state that the parties were unable to resolve their issues and the Employer felt it was important to move forward and implement what they are calling an Interim Pay Equity Plan.
For some historical context, the parties have been engaging in Pay Equity Negotiations since 2011. This process has included many parts including but not limited to the data collection in 2013 with the submission of the Job Evaluation Questionnaires (JIQ) to the evaluation of those JIQ. The parties were able to meet and work through many issues up to November of 2020 when the process became stalled in some part due to the pandemic. The Union made multiple attempts to schedule further meetings with no success until January 2022. At this point, the Employer had engaged a Consultant who, despite the work the Committee had done, had some issues with the results.
Despite multiple meetings in January, February and March of 2022, the parties were not able to reach agreement on both the content of the plan and the retroactive date. This has brought us to today, where the Employer indicated they had created an Interim Pay Equity Plan. We are not in agreement with this Plan. We will make every reasonable effort to continue to work with the Employer to negotiate an agreed to Pay Equity Plan. If it remains unsuccessful, we will utilize every avenue that we have in order to bring a fair and correct result to the membership.
Should you have any questions regarding the Interim Pay Equity Plan, please direct your questions to the Employer.
We will continue to provide you updates on how things are progressing.
February 12, 2022
Thank you to all our members who participated.
Your new Local Executive is as follows:
President – Jonathan Leung
Vice President - Brian Costello
Chief Steward - Gabriela Turnbull
Treasurer - Leanne Beaudry
Secretary – Michelle Bakracevski
Brian Costello
Denise Wagler-Allan
Gabriela Turnbull
Jackie Schumacher
Joanna Holley
Jonathan Leung
Leanne Beaudry
Mary Bloomfield
Michelle Bakracevski
Sarah Carde
Taryn McDiarmid
Scott Sarginson
Trenton Vey
January 20, 2022
What the arbitrator decided:
April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022
Effective April 1, 2020 - General Wage increase 1.0%
Effective April 1, 2021 – General Wage Increase 1.0%
- increased to $2.10 / hour
Lead-hand/ in-charge PREMIUMS
– increased to $1.00/hour
Physician Assistant
Effective the date of the award, will be added to Psychometrist classification of the wage grid.
General issues and language:
- 25.02: New language on medical certificate and documentation
- New language (35.09) – choosing lines on the master schedule
- Language improvement in Article 41
Note regarding Retroactivity
Retroactivity shall be paid on wage increase within 4 full pay periods. Specific instruction for former employee.
Items agreed to prior to arbitration:
- New Letter of Understanding – related to a Whistleblowing policy
- Add clarification on the process for addressing Workload issue in Article 44
- 3.04 : Mandatory education will not be considered as work for the purpose of working a shift in the 4 month period.
- Language improvement in Article 27 - Vacation schedules and requests
We also put the Employer on notice to strict adherence to certain Articles.
Members are encouraged to read the Dissent by our Nominee in the Award
January 13, 2022
In response to the recent increase in the prevalence of COVID cases, the Employer had made many rapid changes in their protocols.
The Employer has determined to reduce the staffing level to the weekend numbers. Although we have significant staffing shortage, but it is not business as usual. If you are facing increased workload, discussed with your Manager to prioritize the tasks. While caring for the patients is our priority, we need to look after ourselves to prevent burnt out.
If you have concerns with workload, please email executive@opseu331.org or filled out a workload form or contact the Union Office @ Ext 6351.
If you have a Health and Safety concerns, please contact a worker member of JHSC or email JHSC@opseu331.org or contact the Union Office @ Ext. 6351
If there is an urgent Health and safety concern, please call/ text the H&S phone. (The number is on the Union Notice Board in your staff room)
Please ensure your Manager is aware of your concerns.
January 13, 2022
I think I contracted coronavirus (COVID-19) at work. Should I file a claim?
How will the WSIB determine if a COVID-19 claim will be allowed?
I had a reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine. Can I get WSIB benefits/file a claim?
December 24, 2020
The Collective Agreement has a provision regarding the effect on sick benefit whenever a sick leave of absence commences in one calendar year and continues into the following calendar year?
Article 25.01 (c) where an employee is on sick leave of absence which commences in one (1) calendar year and continues into the following calendar year, they are not entitled to refresh their annual sick leave bank, until the employee has returned to work for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days. For clarity, such an employee is not entitled to sick leave of absence with pay for more than 130 working days in the 2 calendar years combined, unless the employee has returned to work for a period of fifteen (15) consecutive working days prior to being entitled to further sick leave.Click to edit text.
We have a different interpretation with the Employer on Article 18.06 (c). Please contact the Union Office if you are affected.